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Cannulated Cancellous Screw Dia. 6.5mm Fully Threaded with Locking Head (Self Tapping) – Smit MediMed Pvt Ltd

Cannulated Cancellous Screw Dia. 6.5mm Fully Threaded with Locking Head (Self Tapping)


Cannulated Cancellous Screw Dia. 6.5mm Fully Threaded with Locking Head (Self Tapping)

Product Specification

  • Available Length are 60 to 110 mm (5 mm variation)
  • Available In Stainless Steel & Titanium

    We offer a wide variety of safe and advanced Orthopedic Implants and fixators. At the helm of the company’s operations is Mr. Vinodbhai, the Director. His enterprising skills and experience in the industry continue to play a pivotal role in the company’s growth.We are based in Ahmedabad city West Part of India.


    Plot No.10, Phase-1, B|h. Prashant Eng., G.I.D.C.Vatva, Ahmedabad-382 445, Gujarat, (INDIA).


    +91 9375801932


